Charging Wheelchair Batteries
Wheelchair batteries need to be reliable and long lasting. In mobility equipment, it is important to have a high cycling battery. The more cycles a battery can provide, the longer lasting it will be.
How many times a battery can be used is a “cycle”. There are a few things that you can do to get more cycles out of a wheelchair battery.
As often as possible, use your battery starting in a fully charged state. This means, charge up your battery when you have finished using your chair. That way, when you use it the next time, you will be starting from a fully charged state.
The lower you discharge a battery, the more cycles it will provide. So, as an example, if you regularly use your batteries to 50% of their capacity, your battery will provide more overall cycles than if you regularly use 90% of your battery. Recharging your wheelchair batteries before they get too discharged will help them last much longer.
If you do not use your equipment year round, make sure that you are maintaining your batteries during your off-season. See our off-season maintenance guide for some tips.
We sell a reliable mobility scooter charger with a 3 prong connector.